God's Smuggler

During the Cold War, Andrew "Anne" van der Bijl smuggled Bibles into communist countries. He was known as Brother Andrew and was nicknamed "God's Smuggler".
Brother Andrew taught people that "one man with God is a majority" - and then he proved it. His life showed people what God can do when we are obedient to Him.
Brother Andrew didn't live his life playing it safe. He lived his life as a brave soldier for Christ. He is quoted as saying:
"I think we in the West are cowards...We ought to become people of guts and courage and strong convictions and don't count our lives dear unto ourselves."
2 Timothy 1:7 (KJV) For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
The Prayer of God’s Smuggler:
“Lord, in my luggage I have Scripture that I want to take to your children across this border. When you were on Earth, you made blind eyes see. Now, I pray, make seeing eyes blind. Do not let the guards see those things you do not want them to see.”