You Were Not on the Team

If your team won the Super Bowl, great! But you weren't on the team.
If your team lost the Super Bowl, sorry! But you weren't on the team.
Your 'team' doesn't know you. It's only you, that knows them.
Your 'team' doesn't call you, text you or notice you. It's only you, that notice's them.
You don't practice or play for 'your' team, as a result you do not get paid what they get paid.
Your 'team' doesn't share any of their revenue with you. You are the one that shares your hard-earned revenue by supporting them.
When it comes to your 'team', it sounds like a one way relationship to me.
However, that's not the case with Jesus.
Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost. Jesus came into the world to save sinners. We were NOT on Jesus' team. As a matter of face, we were His enemy. The Bible says: "whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God."
Christ WON the victory for us on Calvary's tree. He paid our sin debt and wants all men to be reconciled to God through His sacrificial death.
God's love for us is so grand, that the Bible says: "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."
I'm happy to have a real, living relationship with Jesus. Furthermore, I'm so glad Jesus cares for me, thinks about me, and has every one of my hairs numbered. I'm so glad that Jesus takes notice of me and shares the riches of His mercy with me.
I'm happy to be on a team where the relationship goes both way!
I'm on the Winning Side!
Along the way of life are many foes
That daily war against my soul;
But constant victory
My Savior gives to me
As I press on to the goal.
The battle may be long and hard to win,
And Satan’s hosts may press me sore;
But though I may be tried,
I’m on the winning side,
I shall triumph evermore.
With courage in my soul I’ll do my part,
For Jesus I will loyal stand;
So on the winning side
Triumphant I abide
With the faithful, holy band.
On the winning side, I’m on the winning side,
I’m on the winning side with Jesus;
Though hot may be the fray,
My soul can boldly say,
I’m on the winning side with Jesus.