Wise Council

Wise Council

We all can use wise council, but I think the phrase "Biblical Counselling" has been overused and overrated. If you were to read all the times in the New Testament where the word "council" appears, you would find the word appearing in a negative context.

However, in the Old Testament, the book of Proverbs gives us a positive context.

Proverbs teaches wisdom. It makes clear the danger of living in an isolated bubble. A sure recipe for disaster is creating an environment where there is no one around to teach, correct, admonish, or help us. It's why Proverbs 11:14 warns...

Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellers there is safety.

We all need to be around other Christians, because there is safety in numbers. The challenge is finding the "right" numbers!

Proverbs 15:22 also illustrates the danger of the lone-ranger Christian, who makes major decisions without counsel.

Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counsellers they are established.

Wisdom is found in getting more than one set of eyeballs on a problem. This is why the book of Proverbs uses the phrase "multitude of counsellers." It is very unwise to make major decisions in isolation. We all need trusted advisors that we can ask questions and bounce ideas off of. Businesses succeed or fail on this simple, basic principle. Here's what Proverbs 24:6 has to say...

For by wise counsel thou shalt make thy war: and in multitude of counsellers there is safety.

There is also another passage of scripture, found in Proverbs 1:2-5, that I believe speaks some truth to what many call "Biblical Counselling."

To know wisdom and instruction; to perceive the words of understanding; To receive the instruction of wisdom, justice, and judgment, and equity; To give subtilty to the simple, to the young man knowledge and discretion. A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels:

Biblical counselling occurs 4 times a week at a good, Bible-believing, local-church.

If the saints of God really want Biblical counselling, they can get 4 hours of it each and every week.

  • during the Sunday School hour
  • during the Sunday morning service hour
  • during the Sunday afternoon/evening service hour.
  • during the mid-week service hour.

At all 4 services, here's what happens:

  • the saints are instructed in the word.
  • wisdom is offered to be gained from the word.
  • understanding of the word, can be had.
  • more knowledge and discretion is added to the Christian conscience.

If someone will consistently show up and HEAR, they will consistently increase in learning and shall attain wise council. It's my belief that if someone honestly wants to attain wise council, all they need to do is show up to what's offered, and learn!

With 4 church-services a week, someone will get a "multitude of council" from a "multitude of counsellers."

  • The pastor is there.
  • The church leaders are there.
  • The seasoned saints of God, with plenty of Christian life experience, are all there.
  • and they all have the same wisdom book - the Holy Bible!

I understand that private meetings with the Pastor or a brother or sister in Christ are necessary, especially when sensitive issues or private matters need to be discussed.

However, what I'm warning about is scheduling time just to waste time. There are people who really don't want help. All they really want is someone who will listen to them talk about all their problems. These types of people don't want fixing. They aren't teachable. Many are not willing to hear good council, let alone apply the council given to them.

Be careful of time-wasters who would rather commit themselves to scheduling hours of "Biblically Counselling" sessions, rather than commit to re-working their schedule to spend time with the "multitude" during the already scheduled meeting times.

Private meetings may be needed with the Pastor. However, the Pastor doesn't have a multitude of ALL the answers. He's only one man.

The corporate meetings, when the local-church gathers 4 times a week for church services, is where you'll find the "multitude of counsellors." Therefore, it would be unwise to miss out on this multitude. It's where you'll get some of the best wise council. This consistent, weekly commitment is also a much better plan for the long-term development of your Christian walk.