The word as a hammer

The word as a hammer

The Old Testament prophet, Jeremiah, likens the word of God to a hammer.

Jeremiah 23:29 Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?

As a powerful hammer, the word of God is used to crush everything and anything that is evil within our hearts.

When someone swings a hammer, the powerful force behind it breaks down resistance.

A hammer can be used to break rocks into pieces. With a large enough hammer, someone could make a roadway on or through a mountain. The obstacle is the rocks, the hammer is the solution to overcome the obstacle.

The reason God's word is likened to a hammer, is because many times the hammer must come down hard, fast, and powerful.


Because God’s word is designed to remove huge obstacles that are in our way!

These obstacles hinder us, instead of help us.

Sadly, most people's lives are a dead-end road. They need the boulder-like obstacles in their life removed by the hammer of God's word, before they are ready to make use of the light of God's word.

If there are any big-boulder like obstacles in your life, it's wise to allow the hammer of the word to break them down. It will open up a clear path, allowing you to move forward for the Lord.