The open-road of no rules.

The open-road of no rules.

When it's just you driving on an open, empty road, out in the middle of nowhere, you can drive how you want and as fast as you want.

The ability to do this is based upon the fact that here's nobody else on the road to consider.

With no police officers to pull you over, you get to set your own rules and satisfy your own expectations.

However, as you drive closer to a town, you'll find others are on the road. This should dramatically change your driving behaviors.

There are rules that you're expected to follow:

  • Don't speed.
  • Don't use your cell phone.
  • Don't tailgate.
  • Don't cut people off.

These rules are happily obeyed, when you as a driver, genuinely care about other people.

The same is true with church life.

There are rules that you're expected to follow:

  • Don't speed.
    Children aren't to run in church. They couldn't knock an elderly person over.
  • Don't use your cell phone.
    Have enough respect to pay attention to the preacher, instead of your phone.
  • Don't tailgate.
    Give people space to learn, and grow in grace.
  • Don't cut people off.
    Learn to listen, without interrupting. You don't always have to respond with an answer.

These "unwritten" church rules are happily obeyed, when you, as a church-member, genuinely care about your brothers and sisters in Christ.

Remember, church membership is not only about being IN Christ, it's also about being one OF another.

We are not to be open road Christians, driving however we want. We are to consider our brothers and sisters, who are on the same road with us.