The Lost Opportunity

The Lost Opportunity

In the financial world, the Lost Opportunity Cost, is when you lose the ability to invest your money into something, because it's tied up in something else.

The same principle is in effect when parenting.

If you invest all the time you have with your kids into sports, and hobbies, you'll lose the ability to invest that time into church-life and family-devotions.

Joshua 24:15 says:

but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

There isn't time to be at the lake and the church-house on Sunday. You only have time for one.

There isn't time to be at soccer practice and mid-week church service on Wednesday night. You only have time for one.

If someone calls themselves a Christian, yet chooses sports and hobbies over church-life and family-devotions, that is not choosing to serve the Lord.

If that's not corrected, soon your kids will be full-grown, out of the house, and you will have experienced what the financial world calls Lost Opportunity Cost.

Don't miss the opportunity of giving your children the wonderful opportunity of being raised in church. Don't miss out on the time you have now to teach them the joys of serving Jesus in their youth.

The reason our country is in the mess that it's in is because millions of so-called Christian parents have missed their opportunity to raise their kids as soldiers for Christ. As a result, we have a nation full of self-serving, sports-loving, American's, who've made their choice against what a Christian family should be.