The lake, sports, family, golf, the farm, you...or CHRIST!

The lake, sports, family, golf, the farm, you...or CHRIST!

Colossians 3:11 Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all.

How people live their lives and the priorities people make will define how much Christ really is ALL to them.

Where are you during your local church's Sunday morning, Sunday evening and mid-week church gatherings?

IF you're at the lake: the LAKE is all!

IF you're at the sports league or practice: SPORTS is all!

IF you're at a family gathering: FAMILY is all!

IF you're on the golf course: GOLF is all!

IF you're on your tractor farming: the FARM is all!

IF you sleep in, and feel like staying home because it's more convenient: YOU are all!

When Christian's say: "Christ is all," part of that should mean they won't settle for anything less, then faithfully assembling with Christ's body, His church when it gathers together for worship.