The King vs the Servant

John 1:9 That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.
Having light from Jesus and knowing Jesus are not the same thing.
John 1:10 He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.
Living in the world made by Jesus has nothing at all to do with someone knowing Jesus.
The sad reality is most people want a political King Jesus who sits on a throne, not one who showed up in a manger.
People want a charismatic leader riding in a chariot pulled by powerful military horses, not one riding "upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass." Zec 9:9
The world doesn't want the Jesus who told Peter to "put up thy sword into the sheath," because the world wants a king wearing a crown of gold, not a suffering servant, who wore a crown of thorns.
This world wants a great, powerful, ruling king - not the suffering servant who bled and died on Calvary's tree.
This world desires a strong ruler with a big sword, a shiny crown, and lots of economic wealth and political might.
The misplaced desires of the world cry out for a King who will:
- Make their social situation great again!
- Make their economic situation great again!
- Make their political situation great again!
However, what the world and the so-called "faith-based community", needs is to understand that Jesus came as a suffering servant to deal with SIN, and it's because of sin that John 1:10 says: and the world knew him not.
The world wants kingdom power.
The Jews wanted Jesus to Make Israel Great Again!
However, Jesus isn't setting up His literal, earthly kingdom now; but that's what most people want. They don't want the Jesus of the Bible who talks about their need for a Saviour from their sin.
Instead, they want Jesus to set up a kingdom on earth NOW! They don't want a Saviour, they want the blessings the Saviour can offer them.
Be Warned: when the anti-Christ shows up – he’s going to promise peace, safety, and economic prosperity, and all the people will worship him like he’s the king.