Talkers block

Talkers block

No one gets "talkers block", but a lot of people get "writer's block."

Writer's block is when you're staring at a black screen or paper with no thought of what to write. It's something that authors, writers, preachers and bloggers hate dealing with.

"Talkers block", on the other hand, is something hardly no one gets. But some people need that blank stare with no thought of what to say next.

The Bible says in Ephesians 4:29

Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.

If what is coming out of someone's mouth can't be used to edify or minister to someone, maybe they need a dose of "talkers block".

It's a blessing to someone else when they don't hear anything rude or hurtful come out of our mouths.

"Talkers block"- that blank stare with no thought of what to say next. Yeah...maybe that's the first step to cleaning up any corrupt communication that may come out of our mouths.