

Pockets are something we often take for granted because we're so used to having them.

Pants, jackets, and suites all have pockets to hold some of our most valuable items.

Keys, wallets, loose change, cell phones, watches, pens and glasses are all taken into consideration when pockets are sewn into garments, because people would have a hard time functioning without these everyday necessities.

However, there is a more valuable item we should carry with us every day: THE BIBLE!

Some printing companies print pocket-size Bibles, pocket-size John & Romans, or pocket-size Psalms & Proverbs. These companies recognize the value of having the ability to place Gods' word in your pocket.

So, whether it's a pocket-sized Bible, or at the very least, a gospel tract, consider the importance of designating a pocket to hold your most valuable item: God's Word.