A short list of recommended Christian books

A short list of recommended Christian books

Here is a short list of some of the books I've read over the past 24 yrs, since being regenerated by the saving power of God's marvelous grace.

Some are heavy reading, some are easy reading. Some will bring you to tears, others will bring you to your knees in prayer. Some books will convict, others will educate, and some are great for family devotions. But, all will be a blessing to the sincere child of God looking for truth.

My guess is that the largest Christian bookstore in any town in the US will likely not have any more than 2 or 3 of these books on their shelf. This is the sad state of the so-called Christian bookstore.

Although, this is nowhere near an exhaustive list, it's a good place to start your own personal Christian library.

  • Foxe's Book of Martyrs (John Foxe)
  • C.T. Studd: Cricketer & Pioneer (Norman Grubb)
  • Final Authority (William Grady)
  • E.M. Bounds on Prayer (E.M. Bounds)
  • The Pursuit of God (A.W. Tozer)
  • The Knowledge of the Holy (A.W. Tozer)
  • In Awe of Thy Word (Gail Riplinger)
  • The Coming Prince (Sir Robert Anderson)
  • Dispensational Truth (Clarence Larkin)
  • The Book of Daniel (Clarence Larkin)
  • Why Revival Tarries (Leonard Ravenhill)
  • 30 Years in Hell: From Darkness to Light (Ex-Priest Bernard Fresenborg)
  • Pilgrim's Progress (John Bunyan)
  • The Holy War (John Bunyan)
  • The Pilgrim Church (E.H. Broadbent)
  • Victorious Christian Living (James W. Knox)
  • Sign, Wonders, & Miracles (James W. Knox)
  • The Bloody Theater of Martyrs Mirror (Thieleman J. van Braght)
  • The Miller Family Storybooks (series of 6) - Mildred A. Martin
  • Stories from Papua New Guinea (Lyn Mullins)
  • Fruitful Families (Howard Bean)
  • Understandable History of the Bible (Sam Gipp)
  • This Little Church Went to Market (Gary Gilley)
  • Keeping the Kids (David Cloud)
  • Dressing for the Lord (David Cloud)
  • Stay in the Castle (series of 7) - Jerry Ross
  • Biblical Masculinity (Jerry Ross)
  • Biblical Femininity (Sheryl Ross)
  • The Two Babylons (Alexander Hislop)
  • A Little Reviving (Richard Yerby)
  • Creature versus Creator (Richard Yerby)
  • 7 Men who Rule the World from the Grave (Dave Breese)