Lambs among wolves

Lambs among wolves
Lambs among wolves

Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

The warning in Matthew 7 is for keeping the deceptive wolves out of the flock of sheep. Irreparable damage can be done when false-prophets are left unchecked and unconfronted. Safety for the flock comes from recognizing these ravening wolves who come to us in disguise and either removing or avoiding them.

However, the warning of the sheep's clothing, that false prophets wear, shouldn't scare us from going out into the wolf pack.

The command we find in Luke 10 is to go forth as lambs among wolves. The reason "the labourers are few" is because of the fear of the wolves. We must recognize that our safety among wolves comes from the Lord of the harvest, who commanded us to GO! We must trust Him enough to see us through and protect us. Remember, it's HIS harvest.

Beware of the wolves who come IN our flock disguised as sheep, but don't be afraid to go OUT among the wolves as lambs!

Deceptive wolves need to wear a disguise. Truthful lambs, need not mask themselves. We wear the clothing of humility, righteousness, and truth!

Luke 10:3 Go your ways: behold, I send you forth as lambs among wolves.