It's time...

Colossians 1:14 In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:
Prior to salvation, sinner are lost and dead in trespasses and sins.
The moment someone is saved, they are purchased of God, rescued from hell, and made free from the law of sin and death.
The Bible says: Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us:
As a result, born-again Christians have the power of the Holy Spirit to allow them to buy back, or redeem, their time.
All Christians have eternal life! However, Christians still live "in time", during their current stay on earth.
Right now, time is what God allows Christians to have to live for Him, witness for Him and live a life of holiness unto Him.
If you have been bought with a price, the time you have is not yours to use selfishly waste to satisfy your own pleasures and curiosities. It's God's time! God graciously has given TIME to you.
If your life is spent scrolling social media, being addicted to your YouTube feed, being plugged into the news 24/7, constantly worrying about the political temperature of America, playing video games all day, researching the latest conspiracy theory because you think everyone is out to get are WASTING the precious time God has given you.
It's time to rise up, and REDEEM your time, Christian! You have the indwelt Holy Spirit to empower you to buy back and redeem the time you've been wasting.
Is it time to be rescued from the worldly habit of wasting time? Here's a short list of things it's time for:
It's time to PRAY.
It's time to WITNESS.
It's time to be a good witness at WORK, at HOME, and in your COMMUNITY!
It's time to FELLOWSHIP with His saints.
It's time to REJOICE in the Lord.
It's time to LISTEN to preaching.
It's time to PREACH.
It's time to READ the Bible.
It's time to STUDY the Bible.
It's time to go over sermon NOTES from mid-week and Sunday services.
It's time to SING a hymn.
It's time for a FAMILY devotion.
It's time to PRIORITIZE your schedule, with church-time on the top of the list.
Ephesians 5:16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.