It is Finished!

It is Finished!

Ron Hamilton has fought a good fight, and has finished his course, keeping the faith. He is now home, with his Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.

He was known by my kids, and countless other Christians kids, as "Patch the Pirate".

As a family, we've listened to just about every Patch CD, many times over.

One of our favorite hymns written by Ron is, "It is Finished!" It's a hymn rich with doctrinal truth.

Although it's been sung countless times in churches, it's also a great hymn to sing during public ministry efforts because of its invitation to receive Christ's gift of salvation, that is freely offered.

It is Finished! (by Ron Hamilton)

Long ago I saw my Savior
Bearing shame upon a tree;
Then my heart was touched with sorrow,
For I saw He bled for me.

Lo, the sky was veiled in darkness;
Sudden trembling shook the ground
As the angry crowd was jeering,
Mocking Jesus all around.

Then my Savior called to heaven
As I saw His love anew,
"O my Father please forgive them,
For they know not what they do."

Free salvation now He offers.
Take His gift; Oh, hear His plea.
On the bloody cross behold Him;
Join His shout of victory.

"It is finished," loud He cried!
Oh, what love for me He died.
In my stead He bled on Calvary.
Once for all Christ rescued me.
Philippians 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.