Integrated vs Disintegrated

Integrated vs Disintegrated

Integrated means something has been renewed and is no longer divided. It’s where we get the word integrity. It has to do with soundness and completeness.

The opposite of integrated is disintegrated. Disintegrated means something has been broken. It refers to unity being destroyed.

Disintegrated is what has happened to the lukewarm church world of Laodicea that we live in today.

Unfortunately, most so-called Christians are lovers of Laodicea. They are lukewarm Christians who cause God to want to vomit (Rev 3:16), because they have wavered from a true commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ and His Church.

The Laodicean church redefines words, phrases, and doctrines, so that anything goes except BIBLE TRUTH.

It’s a sad fact that over the past several decades, unscrupulous marketers have deceived many pastors and church leaders into thinking that the key to building a church was through pragmatic programs and carnal entertainment.

This is why it’s not uncommon to see church houses offering indoor playgrounds, rock climbing walls, coffee bars, rock concerts on Sunday with an expansive light show, and a preacher who is more concerned with “relating”, than telling the truth from God's Word.

As a result, countless families have been drawn away from a love for the Word of God, in exchange for a love of carnal entertainment.

The true church stands 100% against this ungodly, disintegrated philosophy of ministry!

Please recognize that individuals and their families have been under an attack of deception because of this.

Therefore, we must stand firm in looking for and supporting, local Bible-believing churches that seek to integrate believers into assemblies based on sound Bible doctrine, that serve as a unified body of Christ, for His Glory!

  • Col 2:8-10 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power: