Hillsong music is of the devil.

Hillsong, Bethel, Elevation and Jesus Culture music are all false-forms of worship to our Holy God. Their charismatic theology, that shapes their music philosophy, is false and of the devil.
Here's why:
- They believe the Holy Spirit will make His presence known in a very visible, and observable, noticeable way through their music.
- They absolutely believe that invoking the Holy Spirit is how someone would truly and honestly encounter God.
- It's the exact music pattern that pagans use to worship their false-gods.
Their charismatic form of "praise and worship" has 3 primary goals:
- To convince you that the evidence the Holy Spirit showed up is found in the outward physical expressions, passions and heightened emotions.
- To convince you that you can experience the presence of God through this type of praise.
- To convince you that their "praise and worship" is the "vaccine" that will guarantee you entrance into the presence of God.
They falsely believe that their form of "praise" is what brings you into the presence of God; and once in God's presence, you can now "worship".
They use a carefully crafted "flow", that is designed to bring a person through a series of emotions that finally reaches a climactic experience. These experiences are called the presence and move of the Holy Spirit.
This is 100% false teaching!
I strongly implore anyone who has their family in a church that sings this type of music to leave immediately. It will do great damage to your family and the way your family understand the Holy Spirit. Music is very powerful. And the churches using this type of music know it.
The truth is, all born-again believers sing praise to God because of the Holy Spirit's constantly abiding presence in our life. No born-again believer would every need to sing praise to God to cause the Holy Spirit to work or move. The reason being, is that the Holy Spirit has already moved in and has already taken up permanent residence in our hearts.
True believers are already 100% spirit-filled.
True believers sing praise to God because the "word of Christ" already dwells in us.
Colossians 3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
The most dangerous element of Bethel and Hillsong music is that their philosophy is pagan in nature. What pagans will do, is use music to invoke a name, a person, a presence, or a thing. This is exactly what Bethel, Hillsong, Elevation and Jesus Culture is doing. This is NOT Christian worship. Rather, they are deceiving people into a pagan-style of worship.
The Roman Catholics do this with the Eucharist. They invoke the presence of Jesus into the wafer. This is blasphemous!
As a true, born-again, child of God, you have the Holy Spirit working within your heart at ALL times. The Holy Spirit will never leave or forsake you. You may not yield to the Holy Spirit all the time, or you may choose to ignore Him. But the fact remains: IF you've been born again, you got 100% of the Holy Spirit when you got saved.
Emotions can, and do, arise in the heart of believers. These emotions will produce outward evidence of love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance. These are the fruits of the Spirit.
Since it is true, that all believers already have the Holy Spirit, the question is: what spirit is being summoned and encountered through charismatic, Pentecostal Hillsong & Bethel music worship? It's a spirit alright, but it's NOT the Holy Spirit.
Our church unapologetically stands against the UN-holy spirit of Hillsong, Bethel, Elevation and Jesus Culture. This charismatic danger will never darken the doors of our church house.
BEWARE: this music is dangerous and it's bringing down families. Please don't let it bring down yours.
2 Corinthians 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,