Biblical Sociology

Biblical Sociology

All of us start off in life, sinfully wrong before God. After the Lord saves us, He then prepares us for a life of Christian service.

However, our behavior can still be sinfully wrong before men; and will squelch any effort of true service toward God, within the society He has placed us.

For this reason, we must recognize and allow Christ's righteousness to have full reign in working THRU us to be fully used by Him.

Notice the Biblical view of sociology found in Matthew 22:37-39 ...

Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

Now notice the 3 steps of Biblical sociology...

  1. "THOU."
    Each person, individually, must get ourselves right.
  2. "Love the Lord thy God."
    Each individual, must get right with God.
  3. "Love thy Neighbor."
    Each individual, that is right with God, must get right with man.

I'm not talking about salvation, as a Christian is already saved, and salvation is a one-time happening.

However, while living on earth, there will be a lot of "getting right" times. This is because God expects Christians to serve Him. We can all use the reminder to get right with God, with ourselves, and with our fellow man, because many of us don't serve the Lord fully surrendered to Him.

Serving God is NOT presenting ourselves as a religious, pious, do-gooders. Instead, it's us, reflecting God's glory.

Let's get right with God, and allow His righteousness to work THRU you!