Assuming vs Discerning

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Assuming can become a dangerous habit.
The assumptive art of creating narratives in our head, containing incomplete information, limited facts, and biased thoughts can get us in a lot of trouble.
Applying what happened to us in the past as the reason for a current, unrelated situation, isn't discerning, it's assumptive.
If a particular sin got someone in trouble in the past, don't assume that the person with the same trouble in the present, is struggling with the same sin. It's likely that the reason for the current trouble is completely different from the past, unrelated situation. To assume that the reason must be the same, is unwise.
Finally, some categorize their life experience as wise discernment.
Although, life experience is certainly helpful in the area of discernment. It's equally important to recognize that life experience teaches us that most of what we see isn't the full story, and a lot of what we hear is just limited information.
What we need is Biblical discernment to distinguish a truth from a falsehood. True discernment is spiritual guidance from the Lord.
The more we commune with God through prayer and Bible study, the more heightened our discernment becomes.
May the Lord help us all to be more discerning Christians, rather than assuming Christians.
Psalm 119:66 Teach me good judgment and knowledge: for I have believed thy commandments.