3 Essential Christian Parenting Principles
Below are 3 Christian parenting principles that are essential to building faith and character in your home
ONE: Be consistent with family devotional time.
Set aside a small amount of time each day for prayer, Bible reading, and/or review of their past Sunday school lesson. Review with your child their weekly memory verse. Remember to keep it age-appropriate. Younger children will enjoy acting out a Bible story or coloring/drawing a picture of what you're teaching them. If you have older children, encourage them to ask you questions and share what's on their heart. Keeping the lines of communication open with family devotions builds a strong spiritual home.
TWO: Live the values you want to instill in your children.
Children learn as they watch what plays out in their home. It's the old adage: "More is caught, than is taught!" When parents only demand their children do what they're told, without demonstrating compassion, patience and forgiveness, the child learns that their parents are hypocrites. The bottom line is: all parents make mistakes. Why not use those mistakes as opportunities to live out humility by apologizing and asking for forgiveness. Living with humility is what teaches children how to be humble.
THREE: Balance discipline with grace.
Children need boundaries. However, children also must understand that your love isn't conditioned upon their behavior. Children are smart to pick up on the cues that they are loved only when they do what they're told. Instead of being quick to correct, consider being quick to teach. Help them understand WHY their behavior was wrong, and HOW to get it right next time. Parents can maintain standards while still extending love, grace and mercy. Remember, living graciously is what teaches children about grace.
#ChristianParenting #FaithAndFamily #RaisingGodlyChildren #BiblicalParenting #ParentingWithPurpose